Well two weeks ago I, Sweet William The Scot, had temperatures in the 60 degrees and all the wonderful flower buds started to open. Then last week the temperature fell into teens and all the flowers were frosted and turned ugly brown like the magnolia tree above. No beautiful magnolias, forsythia, white blossom trees all are brown and the daffodils are mush this year.
But instead of flowers popping out we have these signs popping up all over my community.
They say LOVE your neighbor. No matter where you are from, we are glad you are our neighbor.
Your Black, Brown, Immigrant,
Disabled, Religously Different, LGBTQ, Fully Human Neighbor.
They are blooming like flowers.
Maybe because Lee got assaulted in December by a man who was against women's right to vote and women working, but we are feeling these signs more.
Maybe it is because of the hatred that has reared its ugly head with our last political election.
Ugly groups have risen and efforts are being made to speak out against them small like the signs and large like the Women's March on Washington and in other cities like my Nati City, a Sanctuary City.
We had a Ku Klux Klan sign left on our car. Lee shredded the dam thing.
Last week us in America got to hear what cuts might be made in our government budget.
A lot of those cuts are aimed at the poor, weak and elderly.
We have a sign blooming in our yard!
And to be honest we don't LOVE all our neighbors but we tolerate (allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference.
For Lee it is the woman who always yelled "Love You More" to her now ex husband or the woman who still has the Sarah Palin sign in her yard. But hey whatever floats their boat.
Yep and for me it is that darn cat next door he gets on my nerves.
But we are not having tweet storms in the night against anyone (if we have something to say we have the facts to back us up) nor kicking the crap out of them like what was done to Lee. My Lee is having a hard time adjusting to all this hatred but I am helping her.
"See ya!"
Thanks for being a friend
Traveling down the road and aback again
Your heart is true and your a friend of mine
Signing Off
Sweet William The Scot