I, Sweet William The Scot, along with my friend Nessa are joining Downunder Daisy and Blogville in the ISO-lympics.
Nessa and I are entered in the doubles Sanitize the World Race!
We are racing to scrub the world clean of the Covid-19.
Nessa has all of our supplies in her Chewy Box.
Yep this is a World Wide Race.
Sanitizing is the process of reducing germs on surfaces to meet public health standards.
We are the Soap Dopers.
Nessa has her face mask on! Wait that is a mud facial mask not a protective mask. Nessa it's the wrong type of mask! Jeez Girls!
I got my protective mask on!
We'll see all of our friends at the finish line.
Now tap the ISO-lymic Badge and be directed to Downunder Daisy.
Thanks for being a friend
Traveling down the road and back again
Your heart is true and your a friend of mine.
Sweet William The Scot