O.K. I'm back , hopefully a little smarter. My Tutorial for Dummies says "Now comes a template". They want to temp me with a plate of what? I know what happened to Adam when he was tempted and bit the apple. Is Snazzi Jazzi wanting me to bite the apple with this blog? Someone get a DICTIONARY!!! "Oh no, what have I done?"
Wait there is more enticement, Jazzi sent a package.
It was suppose to arrive for Valentines Day. But, the Postal Service saved me, so cupid the god of desire, affection with his complex allegorical meanings could not shoot my butt with his arrow. Yes you heard that right the Postal Service left a slip of paper in my box saying I had a damaged package. I went back the next day to claim my package. It had a sharp edge pertruding. Oh No Oh No The Serpent! It had gray dust. Jazzi even scarred the Postal Service. (The dust was the envelope packing that broke in the wrong place) Well when they opened my package they had no easy humor.
Now does Jazzi want me to throw myself on the sharp pertruding object and smell the dust. Romeo and Juliet all over again! I want you to see what I got. A digger. I knew it, Jazzi wants me to dig my own grave with this blog. Someone get an ENCYCLOPEDIA!!! I got my stories confused. "Oh no, what have I done?"
To be continued ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant!
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant!
Thank You Snazzi Jazzi ~ You are the Best
Oh Jazzi just told me I have to say "She Digs Me"
Oh Jazzi just told me I have to say "She Digs Me"
Do you like to dye easter eggs? We do!