Monday, September 17, 2012

Alien Tree Rats & Surprise Guests

Last weekend Lee said Sweet William it is cooler out and you can ride along and stay in the car while I have lunch at the Grand Finale.  Lee loves that resturant over across our town in the city of Glendale.  Well as we were driving through their fair city, I saw THIS!  Alien tree rats, can you believe the city of Glendale loves these beasts.  Lee wanted to take my picture with these beastly creatures, I said  No Sir Ree Bob! Definitely Not! Not Going to Happen!
Look at their eyes, they are mad.  Like Downunder Daisy says "we have to crack their nuts".  Ladies, puppies stand aside, male dogs of Bloggville unite.  Rid our town of tree rats.  Well Puddles you might be a lady, but you lead!!  You can be our Puddles of Arc!
I have posed with all 100 Cincinnati pigs, but I put all four feet down when it comes to tree rats.

This is just not right!  Tree rats in the
City of Glendale
Now Lee had a great lunch and I got the leftovers.  Love eating at the Grand Finale.  Lee had the House Salad with a Quich classic savory custard tart and fresh baked rolls with Rasberry Tea.  Lee was bad and had their homemade Cheesecake.
The resturant has eclectic decorating, every table is antique with mixed matched chairs.  Some tables are old treadle sewing machines. We all know how Lee loves antiques!
They have a lovely outdoor dining garden area.  As Lee ate she watched the people outside.
Look who I am with!  WooHoo I met the Honorable Mayor and his sidekick Ernie. 
Thanks for being a friend
Traveling down the road and back again
Your heart is true and your a friend of mine.
Signing Off
Sweet William The Scot


  1. Sweet William we will come over and help you fight the squiggle invasion. They are truly revolting. I think we need to round up the whole of Blogville to help you get rid of the awful critters. Have a great Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You had an audience with the MAYOR??!!! How special was that!

    You are so right about not allowing yourself to be photgraphed with those squirrels. You have to make a stand somewhere. But we love the pigs.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Holee Molee...Tree rats on steroids!!!

    You gots to meet Fwankie and Ernie in da furs?? How super is dat!!!!!


  4. Wow oh wow!! Time with the mayor AND leftover quiche?! An awesome day for sure!

  5. WOW!!!! I thought things were only bigger in Texas, who knew it was that way in Ohio too?

  6. Hi William,
    THANK DOG you did not take photos with those tree rats!! Maybe next time Lee will sneak you into the restaurant :)
    Your furbuddies,
    Joules & Prescott

  7. That food looks so yummy. My mom would love a place like that.
    Oh boy!! I am sooo sooo jealous that Frankie and Ernie got to meet you. I sure wish that I could have been there, 2 scotties and 2 doxies, what fun that would have been!! *sigh*
    I am glad that they met you and they can tell me all about my sweet Sweet William!!

    loving wags

  8. Oh, and I CAN NOT believe that they actually have tree rats like that. I am glad that you put your paw down to that, WTG Sweetie!!

    loving wags

  9. Those big squirrels would scare the poo out of me! Stay away Sweet William. How very exciting and fun that you got to meet Frankie and Ernie. I bet you all had lots to talk about. I hope you got some cheesecake

    Loveys Sasha

  10. You mean They didn't even try to bribe you with food to pose with the TR's? I would have held out for a big price.

  11. We don't have tree rats in Jhb but mom says they have them down in the Cape.
    Did Lee really leave you in the car during lunch?
    Wally & Sammy

  12. I can't believe my eyes! You got to be with the bloggyville mayor! And then there's the piggies post at the bottom of your main page and now tree rats! That's in Glendale right? I'll remember that.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  13. What a charming restaurant! Our mom loves antiques too. You have us drooling already!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  14. Wowie! You met Frankie! You are so lucky!!

  15. Oh my dog William - you were so brave getting anywhere near those alien things......looks like you Mom is right to love that place that food looked awesome

  16. Ah you got to meet frankie and ernie....thats great they were so nice to me last week in school when mom messed up my class mom would have loved the food there and the TREE RATS!! Yes, robot mom loves tree rats, we feed them corn here and try to get MORE tREE rats to come to our house...sometimes they get peeved at us barking and they throw walnuts on top of the porch to scare us...please have a heart to heart with mom and tell her the dangers of letting tree rats run wild in the yard...i am afrreed for our lives when we are out in Alcatraz!
    Stella Rose

  17. Neither Gail nor I can see anything bad about homemade cheesecake. It's ALL GOOD surely.
    But wow! Did you really meet Frankie and Ernie? In the flesh?
    How unbelievably exciting.
    Toodle pip!

  18. Oh man, wish we could have been there to meet all of you guys. Yeah, Dad is awesome, put we have not been able to post since Saturday as he has been sick with an infection. At our request (and Dads)Mom is sending you this note, cause he just has trouble wanting to do anything. He has promissed to put out a wordless Wendesday post.

    Loved the pigs and squirrels (Just Mom for the Tree Rats) and it looks like you recieved some good eats.

    Your bestest of furends and Pals
    Princess Susie & Recliner Bites

  19. Aaaaaack...OMD, like WTF is up withs them tree rats...they has gots too be on da 'roids fur sures. Imagine da stew we could gets out of those....oh my!!!!!!!
    And holy Squirrel Gumbos, you met Frankie and Ernie in da furs! Like fur reals? I is so jelly ya'll all gots to meet up. I soooo should has been theres.

    PS: Dude your comments always has me laughin'.

  20. William this is almost too much fun to digest in one post. We love the squirrely squirrels and piggies. Lee had a most delish looking lunch and OH MY CATS OH MY Dogs you met Mayor Frankie and his bro Ernie and yes they met you too.
    Now that must have bee one fantastic day
    Hugs and thanks for the great pictures
    your BFFF

  21. WOW.... I am glad you didn't tell us about those ginormous Tree Rats.. before we came to your area. Thank Dogness WE didn't see any of those while out in the woods.
    Ernie and I are STILL yappin about getting to meet YOU in the furs. It was the greatest thingy EVER!!! Furst we met Sagira and Bokeh Then I met all the Doxies with Moxie.. and NOW we have met YOU in the furs... LIFE is GOOD..

  22. Got your comment, Thanks loads. Yeah, the comments really make our day, hearing from you makes us happy. Also, Jazzi, Kyla, Stuart and all the missing Scotties like Douglas are an enjoyment.
    Never STOP Buddy

    Your Bestest furends
    Princess Susie & Recliner Bites

  23. Que preciosas y originales ardillas y cerditos, me encanta. Y tus amiguitos son preciosos, como tú.

  24. Awww man...let me at those squirrels!!! They look like fun to chase and chew on!!!

  25. We got tons of those tree rat's here in our yard and I'm getting good at biting them in the..... But yours are BIGGER than life! Did they like, drink the water or eat the mushrooms?

    Lily Belle

  26. Those tree rats are crazy big! It looks like Lee's lunch was just wonderful. I don't blame her for having the cheesecake too! How great that you got to meet Frankie and Ernie! :)

  27. That is SO cool that you got to meet Frankie and Ernie! WOWza! But wait...those alien tree rats are so wrong. The pigs? Yep, I like those, but those pesky squirrely things must go. Take care of that SWTS.


  28. Now those squirrelys I like :D And Mom just about ate the puter when she saw what your Mom had. Some of her favorite foods quiche and cheesecake! Yap she drooled BOL :)

    Waggin at ya,
