Monday, October 28, 2013

Howl O Ween Countdown 4

I'm glad you tuned in today.  Blogville Radio is on the Air!  Lets all Howl.
Yep it is the Non Serious Radio Station Howl at 469.5 on your dial.
And I'm your DJ Rockin Wills The Music Professor.
I have been playing the top ten Halloween Songs on The Billboard Chart.
I know the Top Four every Wild Thing is going to know.
This is one is going out to Molly The Wally and Mollie & Alfie.
Comin in at number four is
 "Werewolves of London" - Warren Zevon
Joke of the Day ~ Who are some of the werewolves cousins? The whatwolves, the whowolves, and the whenwolves. That was a no-brainer, right?

News Break ~ Just In ~ It has been reported a flying saucer has just landed on the
East side of Blogville.  We got a reporter on the scene.  Out by the Moonshine Still that the ATF is keeping an eye on.
I don't want to panic any listeners.  Oh this is ominous.  The reporter is saying there are little green aliens coming out. 
Breaking into the News Break for a commercial from our sponsor.
This commercial is being brought to you by Easy.  It is going to be a Shocktober here in Blogville.
 Not even in New York or Paris are there TWO haunted houses,  just in Blogville.
Easy's doors open on 10/30/2013.   So come in droves to his haunted house ~ IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH!
Keep Howling 
"Do what you want, dig what you do, 'cause that's what life is all about"
Signing Off
Sweet William The Scot


  1. Ooooooh I loves dat song...when I hears it, I pretends I is in London and I peeps 'round da corners so nobuddy can sees me. It's how I has fun what can I say?


  2. We like that song too. :) Cheers!

  3. Oh dear, Sweet William, I have only just caught up with your Halloween Countdown and I can see I have been missing out BIG TIME. You are just an absolutely brilliant DJ. (Missed vocation perhaps?)
    Oh what a trial it is to live with a human who claims to be "not very into Halloween".
    Toodle pip!

  4. Now wesa haves that song stucks in our head all day long. We are sooo excited about this week.
    stella rose

  5. Could be purple alien in the space ship.
    This has been a great Howl o ween
    Thanks, Bentley

  6. Thank you so much for our fab dedication. We loved it and howled all the way through. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. The most important relative is the Whywolf.

  8. ANOTHER Brilliant Broadcast, Rockin Wills. You are TRULY the PAWfessor of the Platters.

    LOVE this song... always have. Grrrreat GRAMMAR Joke today!!!

  9. Aroooooo I love that song and the werewolfe joke is super great! The worst thing is the wha'eva-wolfe I think :o)

  10. Riiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggyyyyyyy-Dingy-muahahaha!...what the dog?!? Rockin' Wills, I think your phone line is haunted. Can you hear me? *Talks louder* Can you HEAR ME NOW?!?

    Ah, number four is a great song! I always thought it was Wearwolves they are wearing something; maybe a Howloween mask. Oh well, you are the Music Professor so you must be right!

    Lookin' forward to the top 3! Woof-eeee!

  11. We are so glad you are doing this radio show for all of us. Lee and Phod

  12. Halloween is a fun time of year but scary

  13. Wow, Blogville is really celebrating big time. :)

  14. Pawesome song, pawesome joke!

    How do you call a lone werewolf? A waswolf :)
    (Is it funny?)

  15. This is one of my very favorites Sweet're spinning nothing but the hits now

  16. Hey Rockin Wills!
    Wow, another pawesome tune for the season! My Mom likes that song alot. She'll have that aroooooooo in her head now. BOL OMD your joke was a cutie! Oh, this is all so much fun!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  17. Arrroooooo...they stole that line from the talking Scotties! Thank you for the heads up about the aliens. I wonder if they are the one-eyed, one horned flying purple people eater variety. This is my favorite radio station of all time!

  18. Gosh you are bringing back some old memories... Mom remembers that song being all the rage.

  19. Oh too funny SW, love Kyla's comment as well BOL..You do realize you will have to do the count down to Christmas now BOL xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  20. Hey Will! It's Andrea from Rocco's House. I'm planning a fun NaNoWriMo event, and was hoping Sweet William would like to take part. If you're interested in writing a tiny piece of a big novel, can you e-mail me? My e-mail is bossdog AT roccoshouse DOT com. I think it'll be a lot of fun!
