I, Sweet William The Scot, am sitting here thinking Why!
Why would my city want to build a school here, on the banks of the Ohio River.
Riverview East Academy is an exclusively designed community learning center located on the beautiful banks of the Ohio River
Riverview East Academy developed SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Timely) education.
Riverview East Academy offers Spanish at every grade level. They also offer, but not limited to: a Multimedia Center, Library, Preschool, Art and Physical Education.
The PODS as we call them sit on stilts.
Riverview offers you a chance not to be bused but to be boated to school when the Ohio River floods.
Thanks for being a friend
Traveling down the road and back again
Your heart is true and your a friend of mine
Signing Off
Sweet William The Scot