Saturday, March 2, 2019

Seuss Day

Well it's time for the Dr. Suess Book Club and here we are, all
 my non blogging friends, in the Dr. Suess Garden each with our favorite book or quote.

Now Nessa with the dirty nose who spends most of her days digging for gophers says her favorite book is Fox in Socks.
 "New socks Two Socks Whose Socks"
 because that is what her Mama says when she finds Nessa sleeping on her socks.  What dog does not enjoy a snooze on their peeps socks.

Now for my dear friend, Bentley the dapper wheaten Scot, why he says his favorite quote would be

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
How many of us wish we just had one moment to do over. So cherish those moments and make the most of everyone that you are given I, Sweet William The Scot, says.

Now for Winslow, Bentley's baby bro, well he thinks the bestest Dr. Seuss quote would be

"To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world."

Yep our peep is our one person, our world, the one to whom we give our undeviating love.
Be kind to us for we love you so.
Are they not the cutest pair?

Now for my quote
I'm a Registered Reader Dog!

Thanks for being a friend
Traveling down the road and back again
Your a friend of mine
Sweet William The Scot


  1. Such wonderful quotes. What a wise fellow he was!
    Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

  2. Eggs-cellent quotes from a pawsome dog reader. Well done and happy Dr. Seuss Day.

  3. We love your post and all of the quotes! Dr Seuss was such a wise man. Happy Seuss Day!

  4. Bravo Sw. William what an absolutely beautiful posts. Your non blogging friends are very wise and most handsome. I love this quote
    "To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world." Dr. Seuss was way ahead of his tyme with his rhymes!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Sweet William your blog post is great! We love Dr Seuss!

  6. Excellent job Sweet William.

    Happy Dr. Seuss Day. ♥

  7. What a great Dr. Seuss round up!!
    Have a Seussical Day!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. A great scottie tribute to Dr Seuss! We love it....of course.

  9. Sweet William, what a great bunch of friends you have, and what a fine selection of quotes they came up with.
    Toodle pip!

  10. Hari om
    How wonderfurs to see you here
    Through words and rhyme you draw near
    To we, your adoring fans
    Whose Seussical best made plans
    May have gone awry
    - what's that you say, "oh why oh why?!"
    Well my dear my darling friend
    ...uh oh... it's time to end...
    Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  11. What a great post to honor Dr. Seuss.

  12. That was a great tribute! (I love to chew up socks too.)

  13. What a wonderful post! we love that you are a registered reader dog!
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. I love Dr. Seuss' quotes. You did a wooftastic post to celebrate his birthday.

  15. OMD those were da bestest quotes! Dr Seuss sure had a way wif words...

    Matt (& Matilda)

  16. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

    Our Mommy's too old
    to do somethings it's true
    but she'll always be young enough
    to read post about you.

  17. We just LUVS your blog. I have to say it is very hard to pick just one quote as the DR. has a way with words and thoughts. Glad to see you.
    Your friend,
    Bentley and Winslow. P.S. Winslow will not longer be able to father little scotts after today.

    1. The bubbles are going away praying everything goes well with the little guy.
      Your Friend

  18. an awesum seuss tribute william; we N joyed reedin it N we N joyed havin ya vizit trout towne on caturday !!! ☺☺♥♥

  19. Oh Sweet William, this is SO CUTE!!!! And you're a Reader Dog! That's so cool! Katie won't sit anywhere long enough to be read to, you are a very talented guy!

  20. I love all these quotes. Dr. Seuss has so many that reach children and adults alike.

  21. Thanks for sharing the lovely quotes. We love Dr. Seuss day because of all the great posts just like yours for this wonderful day of celebration. Such cute photos. We love them. Have a pawsome rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals
