Got Your Picture ~ I am one stealthy dude.
Sweet William The Scot here on the streets reporting to you on the cleanup effort after the tornado of March 2nd with EF3…WIND SPEEDS 136 TO 165 MPH.
I did not want to show the terrible sorrow right after the tornado flayed, barraged, trounced (well you get the picture) but now that we are almost two months out I thought I would show you the cleanup that is taking place.
See all of the Duke Energy trucks that came to help. There are three rows of these trucks. They worked night and day to get electricity back.
Oh see the funny stop sign, all of them were angled the same.
Big brush piles can be seen every couple of blocks.

This nice brick house was completely gone. So few bricks left to stack.
And another log house where the tornado entered through the back and went out the front.
Oh and this home was really historic.
The tornado went right to the side of the power plant. This power plant never went on line as a nuclear plant. This operates as a coal fired plant.
traveling down the broken road and back again
Your heart is true and your a friend of mine.
Signing Off
Sweet William The Scot