Okie Dokie Lee told me, Sweet William The Scot, I had to go to the Main Branch Library.
Well we arrived early and was waiting for the door to open. As we were waiting I said to Lee we have gone by this sculpture like a million times, what is it? Lee said dang if she knew!
Well it is a 3,800-pound, 20-foot tall painted steel sculpture by Louise Nevelson. It is called
Sky Landscape II.
It was commissioned by Macy's.
It was given to the City of Cincinnati and relocated here at my library.
Nevelson was an American sculptor but born in Kiev, Russia, and at age five, moved to the States.
A unique feature of her work is that her figures are often painted in monochromatic black or white.
Yep this sculpture is as black as me.
Her work is seen in major collections in museums and corporations but this one sits right outside my Main Branch Library in Nati City.

Each viewing angle yields new juxtapositions. Juxtaposition is a circumstance where two unlike things are next to one another. Yep I see that in this sculpture.
It is said she smoked small cigars, and wore exceedingly long, fake eyelashes was thin and draped clothes haphazardly. Lee says she needs to develop a look. I have my look, yep I have a long beard and a boy skirt!
As for sitting on money well when I stood up dang I had a quarter stuck to my bum by chewed gum.
Yuk was it sticky and dam did that hurt when Lee pulled it off.
The heat index is like a 105 degrees.I see you in there!
Open Up we are under a heat alert!
Thanks for being a friend
Traveling down the road and back again
Your heart is true and your a friend of mine
Traveling down the road and back again
Your heart is true and your a friend of mine
Signing Off
Sweet William The Scot
Lee promised me a ride on the ducks and we missed the boat.
As usual missing the boat around here happens often.
We were right across the street and there goes the boat around the corner. Yep these Ducks take you across the Ohio River from Nati to Newport, Kentucky. Dog Gone It!
If you would like to read about Aunty Yam's visit with us here is the site
As usual missing the boat around here happens often.
We were right across the street and there goes the boat around the corner. Yep these Ducks take you across the Ohio River from Nati to Newport, Kentucky. Dog Gone It!
If you would like to read about Aunty Yam's visit with us here is the site